I've been toying with the idea of self publishing for a while now. Well, it's been in my head for a couple of years anyway.
The idea came when I wrote a short story a few years ago. Life got in the way and I never really followed up on anything. Until a few weeks ago.
I'm not sure what the driver was, I think I was hit with some inspiration. I've jotted down ideas for stories, but I had one that I really liked. So I went with it.
As I worked on it, I realized I had two full stories. Another one or two and I can self-publish.
Along with it, I've decided to capture story here. As I progress with finishing the stories and move toward actually publishing I'll update here on how it goes. The plan will be to keep it going even after I've put out the first group of stories and move forward.
I've already made the decision to go with Kindle Direct Publishing. I'm already very familiar with Amazon, and I've always enjoyed picking up self-published items on my Kindle.
Some research has been done already: pricing, formatting, etc.
In the coming weeks I'll post the links of the places I've done my research. Lots of other people out there have done this, so I'm hoping to learn from them.
So for now, welcome! I'm looking forward to this journey!
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